
Bird News Sunday 6th March

The male Black Redstart is still half way from Donaghadee to Orlock. (Michael Latham)

A Corncrake was reported calling from the damp rushy bottom of a field near the former rear entrance to Portavo reservoir this morning. (Victor Alastair)

The Black-necked Grebe was at Reedy Flats. (Ivan Quail, Nicky Lynn).

The red head Smew was at the west end of Ardmore on the south shore of Lough Neagh. (Jeff Larkin).

The RSPB Wow reserve had 2 Ruff and a Med Gull, the Goldeneye still present Robert Hughes/Ian Enlander)

2 Velvet Scoter still at Dargan Bay.(Kenneth Brewster)

Appox. 180 Scaup between Todd's corner and Emerson's Sand Pit.(Jeff Larkin) 

2cy White-tailed Eagle on Rathlin, along with 12 Snow Bunting and the first Jackdaw of the year.(Ric Else/Hazel Watson)

Two adult Med Gulls were at Glynn  (Joe Lamont)

Our thanks to Cecil Smyth for this image of a Siskin.

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