
Bird News Thursday 3rd March

Eleven Snow Buntings were on Divis Mountain this afternoon (at the summit) and a Short-eared Owl hunting between the two car parks. (Suzanne Belshaw)

Two Ruff and an adult Mediterranean Gull were at RSPB WoW (Derek Polley)

A male Black Redstart was today on the shore between Donaghadee and Orlock. (Stephen Foster)

The Spotted Redshank was again in the channel running through Dundrum South Inner Bay this afternoon (David Nixon)

There is one seat available for Saturday's boat trip to Islay. Weather conditions will be excellent. Contact Jim Wells on 0785 6235144 for more details.

Snow Bunting and Short-eared Owl, Suzanne Belshaw:

Adult Mediterranean Gull, Derek Polley:

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