
Bird News Tuesday 15th March

The White-tailed Eagle was again over Church Bay on Rathlin, two Peregrines and two Sparrowhawks were also seen. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

The first Swallow of the spring was off the Croaghan hide at Oxford Island, up to 30 Sand Martins were also present. (Ed O'Hara/Bob Watts).

The Ring-billed Gull is still at the Round "O" in Enniskillen. (Robert Vaughan).

The Ring Ouzel is still in the same field on Ballard Road outside Newry. (John Spottiswood).

The two Ruff and at least two Mediterranean Gulls were still at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve. (Kevin Kirkham).

4 Yellowhammers were between Dundonald and Comber and a Raven was at Scrabo Country Park. (Ricky McQuillan).

A Chiffchaff was at Lower Lough Erne RSPB reserve. (Brad Robson).

Thanks to Ric Else for the picture of the White-tailed Eagle, to Alastair McLean for the picture of the Gadwall, to Noeni Bryars for the picture of the Siskin and to David McCreedy for the picture of the Snow Bunting:


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