
Bird News Monday 18th April

Rathlin this morning had two Tree Pipits, a female Ring Ouzel, Grasshopper Warbler, two Twite and three Fieldfares. A third Tree Pipit was at Kebble. Four Fieldfares and a Redwing also passed through the Island.  (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A large flock of at least 40 White Wagtails and a single Wheatear were at Reedy Flats. (Ed O'Hara,  Garry Armstrong).

The Barnacle Goose and the Glossy Ibis were both still at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning. (Nigel Moore).

Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve had the two Ruff, at least six adult Mediterranean Gulls, seven winter plumaged Knot and two Sandwich Terns. (Garry Armstrong).

Five Whimbrel and a Wheatear were at Kearney this afternoon. (David Clarke).

A Great Northern Diver was behind the Aquarium in Portrush, four Common Terns were also present. (Greg Heaney).

A Cuckoo was calling this evening near Washingbay, Co.Tyrone. (M.McAliskey)

Two White Wagtails, two Whimbrel, two pairs of Wheatear and at least fifty Brent Geese were along Millin Bay coastal path. (Caroline Boyle).

Male Ruff RSPB WOW Reserve

Grasshopper Warbler - Lindsay Hodges

Whimbrel - David Clarke

Wheatear - Ed O'Hara

Tree Pipit - Ric Else

Ring Ouzel - Ric Else

Tree Pipit - Ric Else

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