
Bird News Sunday 24th April

A Ring Ouzel was at Kebble on Rathlin, this may be a different bird to the one seen there previously. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Dark-bellied Brent was at Glynn (Stuart McKee)

A Whimbrel was at Port Muck, Islandmagee (Kevin Kirkham)

Blacker’s Rock, Lough Neagh, Co. Tyrone today had 28 Whimbrel and. Reed Warbler (Godfrey McRoberts)

Swallows, House Martins, Whitethroats and Sedge Warblers are now widely reported.

Grasshopper Warbler, Donna Riddell:

Ring Ouzel, Ric Else \ Hazel Watson:

Red Grouse, Tony Dodds:

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