
Bird News Saturday 7th May

At least 6 Mediterranean Gulls were at RSPB WoW this morning (Philip West)

A Garden Warbler and 102 Whimbrel are at the Lough Erne Hotel Resort (Brad Robson)

A Spotted Flycatcher was along the Newry Canal this morning just north of Carnbane. (Frank Carroll)

The Lesser Yellowlegs is still at Mullagh, Lough Beg. A male Ruff and a male Garganey were on the west shore of Lough Beg.  (David Steele).

A Red Kite and two Yellowhammers were near Jerrettspass, Co. Armagh. (Joe Devlin)

A Common Sandpiper was at Duncan’s Lake, Lisburn (Suzanne Belshaw)

A Cuckoo was in the Antrim Hills along with good numbers of Wheatears and Grasshopper Warblers (Michael Latham)

The Glossy Ibis was still at Portmore (Richard Caves)

8 Whimbrel and a Carrion Crow were at Browns Bay, Islandmagee (David Gillespie)

A Garganey was on Tory Island (Anton Meenan). 12 Corncrake were also heard (Brian McCloskey)

Glossy Ibis, Richard Caves:

Common Sandpiper, Suzanne Belshaw:

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