
Bird News Sunday 15th May

A Wood Warbler was on Rathlin this morning. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

Yesterday 8 Common Crossbills were in Peatlands Park feeding in pines not far from the Bog Garden area. Young birds present and being fed by adult male. (Ciara Laverty) At least 5 birds are still present this morning. (Bob Watts).

The Glossy Ibis and the Garganey are both still at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Chris Murphy).

Two Spotted Flycatchers were near Magherally Church outside Banbridge. (Mike McLaughlin)

A drake American Wigeon was 500 metres south of Church Island at Lough Beg this evening, 50 Whooper Swans were also present. Two pairs of Whoopers and 3 Turnstones were along the north shore of Lough Neagh. (Chris Murphy).

Thanks to Ciara Laverty for the picture of the Crossbills, to Richard Caves for the pictures of the Glossy Ibis, to Wilf Swain for the pictures of the Wheatear and to Mike McLaughlin for the pictures of the Yellowhammer, Treecreeper and Spotted Flycatcher:

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