
Bird News Wednesday 4th May

A Roseate Tern was with five Common Terns at Lagan Weir in Belfast. (Paul McCullough).

At least one drake Garganey was still at RSPB Portmore this morning. The Glossy Ibis was there this afternoon. (Dakota Reid)

Three Cuckoo’s were at Murlough, Co Down this morning (Kevin Maguire). Another Cuckoo was at Starbog Road, Co Antrim (Brian Murphy)

Three Ring-necked Parakeets were at Belfast Waterworks. Please be careful with phones \ optics in the area as there has been an incidence of theft today.

Thanks to John Mason for the picture of the Whimbrel:

Ring-necked Parakeet, Belfast:

Cuckoo, Kevin Maguire:

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