
Bird News Monday 20th June

A trip to the Gobbins and Port Muck from Bangor (main pier, just beyond Bregenz House) is taking place at 6:30pm this Thursday (23rd). There are two seats remaining. Price £40. Tea/coffee included! Contact Ann at if interested.

Another boat trip to Tory Island is taking place on Saturday 25th June. Price £80 to include bus from Belfast, boat trip around Horn Head and Tory and 5 hours on the island. Phone Jim Wells on 07856235144 for more details.

Reed Warblers continue to show well from the Kinnegoe hide at Oxford Island. (David McCreedy)

Thanks to Juliet Fleming for the pictures of the Grey Heron and the Goldfinch, to David McCreedy for the pictures of the Reed Warbler and to Tim Jess for the picture of the Yellowhammer:

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