
Bird News Saturday 2nd July

The Skua, which now appears to be an Arctic, was seen again at the Barmouth flying towards Castlerock beach. A single Whimbrel and two Greenshank were also present. (Dean Jones).

The Little Gull was still at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh, along with 3 Common Sandpipers. (Garry Armstrong).

Two Mediterranean Gulls were at Lough Mourne. (Joe Lamont).

The Marsh Harrier was at Reedy Flats this afternoon. (David McCreedy).

Two American Wigeon, a female and an immature (2nd calendar year) male were at Lough Beg today,(the male is a different bird to the adult male seen previously). Also seen were at least one juvenile Garganey and a male Ruff. (David Steele).

Thanks to Richard Caves for the pictures of the Lady Bay Little Gull and to David McCreedy for the picture of the Marsh Harrier

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