
Bird News Friday 19th August

 The putative Iberian Yellow Wagtail was still in the horse field on Rathlin this morning. (Stephen Riddell).

The Wood Sandpiper was still at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh this morning. (David McCreedy).

A juvenile Ruff and 25 Whimbrel were at the Barmouth this morning. (Theo Campbell).

The adult Little Stint was at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve again this afternoon, a Ruff was also present. (Chris Hamilton, Tom Ennis & Carol Gillespie). Two Common Sandpipers and two Knot were also present. (Michael Latham).

Two Arctic Skuas were off Greencastle on the Donegal side of Lough Foyle. (Ian Dickey).

Seawatching from the East Light on Rathlin this afternoon produced four Sooty Shearwaters and a Storm Petrel among the Manx Shearwaters. A juvenile Mediterranean Gull was just off the harbour. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

This afternoon a Red Kite was on the Cushendun to Ballycastle Road near Lough Areema. (Patrick Barton).

Thanks to Stephen Riddell for the picture of the putative Iberian Yellow Wagtail and to David McCreedy for the picture of the Wood Sandpiper:

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