
Bird News Sunday 7th August

The Yellow Wagtail considered to be either of the Ashy-headed race cinereocapilla or possibly Spanish race iberiae (or an intergrade) remains this morning on Rathlin Island (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

The Little Ringed Plover juvenile remains at Portmore Lough, also 2 Common Sandpipers present this morning. A juvenile Ruff was present off Croaghan Hide, Oxford Island (Garry Armstrong).

Three Little Gulls were at Lady Bay this morning along  with the juvenile Ruff and two Common Sandpipers.  (Garry Armstrong).

In Donegal, Fanad Head this morning had a Great Shearwater, Balearic Shearwater, 17 Storm Petrel and 19 Sooty Shearwater (Wilton Farrelly)

A Spotted Redshank was at Dundrum. (David Stirling).

Thanks to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Little Ringed Plover, to Richard Caves for the pictures of the Little Ringed Plover, Ruff and Common Sandpipers and to Ric Else for the picture of the Yellow Wagtail:

Michael Latham

Michael Latham

Richard Caves
Richard Caves
Richard Caves
Richard Caves
Richard Caves
Ric Else

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