
Bird News Tuesday 23rd August

An adult and imm Roseate Tern were at RSPB WOW. Also 3 Greenshank and 3 Ruff (Dermot Hughes / John O'Boyle)

Seagahan Dam, Co. Armagh this morning had 2 Green Sandpiper, 7 Common Sandpiper and 6 Ringed Plover. (Joe Devlin).

A female American Wigeon was at the south end of Lough Beg this evening, also a Garganey, Great Egret, two Ruff and a juvenile Hen Harrier. (David Steele)

A Ruff and two Common Sandpiper were near The Spirit Store, Dundalk (Mike McLaughlin)

Kestrel, Terry Hanna:

Ruff, Mike McLaughlin:

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