
Bird News Tuesday 30th August

 Two Green Sandpipers still at Seagahan at far end from dam (Ian Young). Also a Little Ringed Plover (Nigel Moore).

The Curlew Sandpiper and Spotted Redshank remain at Belfast Lough RSPB, also two Ruff and several Bar-tailed Godwit (Martin Deehan). Also 4 Ruff, Sanderling, 2 Greenshank, 4 Knot (Gerard McGeehan). Two juvenile Curlew Sandpiper present this evening also 30 Common Snipe (Stuart McKee).

A Marsh Harrier was seen at Portmore Lough RSPB (Martin Deehan).

There is a Glossy Ibis at the Ecos Park, Ballymena (Jeff Larkin).

4 Purple Sandpipers were at Seacliffe Road in Bangor. (James Andrew).

An Osprey was seen over the M1 at Oxford Island heading towards Moria c4pm (Garry Wilkinson).

Thanks to Jeff Larkin for the Glossy Ibis and to Nigel Moore for the LRP photos:

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