
Bird News Wednesday 3rd August

 Two Ravens were flying around City Hall in Belfast this morning. (Chris Shaw).

A Little Gull was at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve this evening. (Daniel Newton).

Also at Belfast Lough RSPB today were 4 Common Sandpipers, a Whimbrel, a female Ruff and 6 Bar-tailed Godwits including 4 males in breeding plumage. (Tom Ennis, Nigel Moore). 

2 Common Sandpipers at Kinnegar Pools with 5 Common Sandpipers 1900 at Belfast Lough RSPB and still a few of the last Swifts hawking insects overhead (Wilton Farrelly, Bob Watts).

A juvenile Little Ringed Plover was at Portmore Lough RSPB (Matthew Tickner).  

A Common Sandpiper was at the high tide roost at Dundrum inner Bay south this afternoon. (Graham McElwaine).

Thanks to Terry Hanna for the picture of the Whitethroat, to Daniel Newton for the picture of the Little Gull and to Nigel Moore for the picture of the Common Sandpiper:

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