
Bird News Friday 9th September

An Arctic Warbler was on Tory Island yesterday (Anton Meenan)

An adult Sabines Gull and a Bonxie were seen off Jordanstown this morning (Kevin Kirkham)

3 juv and 1 ad Med Gull were at Rockport/Seahill, north Down (Dermot Hughes)

2 Arctic Skua and a Common Scoter were at Ramore Head this morning (Stephen Riddell)

19 Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Med Gulls were at the Bann Estuary (Stephen Riddell)

The Curlew Sandpiper was still in Mill Bay, Rathlin (Bob Watts)

A juvenile Little Stint is with with Dunlin and Curlew Sandpipers at RSPB WOW, hide 2 (Dermot Hughes)

The Golden Eagle is still on Rathlin viewable from Ballyconaghan (Bob Watts)

A Little Stint and a Curlew Sandpiper were at Myroe (John Clarke)

An adult Sabine’s gull and adult Med Gull were amongst a feeding aggregation of terns, gull and razorbills at Smelt Mill Bay near Carnalea this afternoon. (Philip Watson)

Seagahan Dam this afternoon had a Little Stint, 4 Dunlin, a Ringed Plover and 2 Common Sandpipers. The Little Ringed Plover wasn't seen but may still be present. (Joe Devlin).

2 Crossbills were seen in flight over Antrim this afternoon. (Davy Hunter).

The Glossy Ibis was seen again at the ponds at Mullagh today, also a Reed Warbler (which was ringed). The three Black Terns are also still present but have moved out to the lake and the female Smew was seen again. Six juvenile Ruff were at Church Island. (David Steele).

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper and a Ruff were at the 12 Arches end of Dundrum inner Bay south. (David Nixon).

Arctic Warbler, Anton Meenan:

Wheatear - David Stirling

Little Stint - Joe Devlin

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