
Bird News Saturday 17th September

Eight Curlew Sandpipers and four Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve this morning. (Daniel Newton).

The Osprey was still at the River Derg above Ardstraw, Co. Tyrone, it flew up river towards Crew Bridge. Three Redwings were also present. (Tony McCormick) 

A Pied Flycatcher was at Ballyquintin, in the last sycamore near the farm. It was showing up to 6pm. 11 Mediterranean Gulls were south of Portavogie and 2 Chiffchaffs at Templecowey. A Ruff was in the ploughed field at Kirkiston. 8 Wheatear were between Cloghy and Kearney. A single Whimbrel was at Kearney. (Bob Watts, Wilton Farrelly).

30 Crossbills were near the visitor centre at Davagh Forest. (Dermot Hughes).

A juvenile Long-tailed Skua and an Arctic Skua were at Magilligan. (Stephen Dunbar). Later a juvenile Sabines Gull, 2 Arctic and a Great Skua were present. (Dean Jones).

8 Pinkfeet were at Myroe. (Dean Jones).

4 Twite were at Torr Head. (Michael Latham).

At least 15 Mediterranean Gulls were at Ballykelly including 7 juveniles and 2 colour ringed birds. Yellow AY PL was ringed in Germany and White 3HK7 was ringed in Belgium. A juvenile Wheatear was also seen. (Gareth Platt)

Pied Flycatcher, Wilton Farrelly:

Pied Flycatcher - Daniel Newton

Long-tailed Skua Stephen Dunbar

Long-tailed Skua Stephen Dunbar

Arctic Skua Stephen Riddell 

Red-throated Diver Thomas Campbell

Guillemot - Thomas Campbell

Sandwich Tern - Thomas Campbell

Twite - Michael Latham

Colour Ringed Mediterranean Gull White 3HK7 Gareth Platt

Colour Ringed Mediterranean Gull Yellow AY.PL Gareth Platt

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