
Bird News Thursday 22nd September

 At least eight Wheatears at Ramore Head (John Clarke).

A ringtail Hen Harrier in off the sea at Rinagree (John Clarke).

Two Curlew Sandpipers, four Ruff and a juvenile Common Tern at Belfast Lough RSPB (Derek Polley). Six Curlew Sandpipers, four Ruff and two Knot this evening (Daniel Newton).

One Curlew Sandpiper and 34 Ruff including 28 juveniles at the south end of Lough Beg this morning, also two Reed Warblers but no sign of any Pectoral Sandpipers (David Steele).

First Redwing of the autumn; earliest for observers by more than a week (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A juvenile Little Stint was at Kilclief, Strangford Narrows (David Nixon).

Thanks to David Nixon for the Little Stint photographs:

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