
Bird News Tuesday 27th September

Yesterday a single Curlew Sandpiper, 5 Ruff, 2 juvenile males, 1 juvenile female and 2 adult winter males, and 35 Knot including many juveniles, were at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve. (Tom Ennis).

Two Med Gulls were at Christie Park Coleraine and a Guillemot on the river. The Glaucous Gull was at the usual spot at Burger King (John Clarke)

Two Pectoral Sandpipers were seen in the SW corner of Lough Beg (Graham Mitchell)

Golden Plover numbers have built up at Myroe with 700 - 800 there today (Graham Mitchell)

The Hen Harrier was at Portmore Lough late afternoon (Richard Caves)

A high count of 30 Mediterranean Gulls were at Kerrykeel, Donegal. Fanad Head had a Pomarine Skua and Leaches Petrel (Ralph Shepperd)

There was still one Curlew Sandpiper and five Ruff at RSPB WOW earlier today. (Daniel Newton)

Med Gull, John Clark:

Hen Harrier, Richard Caves:

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