
Bird News Wednesday 14th September

7 Little Stints,14 Curlew Sandpipers, 5 Ruff, the Glaucous Gull and a juvenile Cuckoo(flew past the hide) were at the Barmouth. (Theo Campbell / Graham Mitchell)

A Roseate Tern was at Whitehead seafront (Ian Enlander)

The Osprey was at the Quoile this morning. (Brian Halligan)

52 Med Gulls and a Goosander were at Ballykelly today. (Matthew Tickner)

4 Curlew Sandpiper and 4 Ruff were still at RSPB Wow (Daniel Newton)

A relatively slow seabird passage past Rathlin today, but still 19 Sooty Shearwaters seen among the Manx Shearwaters drifting by. Also 2 Great Skuas, 3 Great Northern Divers and 1 Red-throated Diver. (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

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