
Bird News Saturday 1st October

 A Red-necked Phalarope reported yesterday off Reagh Island at Cross Island (Guy de Bruyn eBird list via Birdguides & RBA). No sign in area this morning (Ian Young).

The Black Tern is still in Kinnegoe Bay, Lough Neagh (Garry Armstrong).

The Ringtail Hen Harrier is still showing at Portmore Lough RSPB this morning (Michael Latham).

A Merlin was seen today at St John’s Point (Chris Murphy).

An Osprey was at Owenkillew river, at Killymore bridge below Gortin, it flew towards the River Strule, Co Tyrone, posslbly same bird that was on River Derg two weeks ago. (Tony McCormick). 

Two Arctic Skuas off Rathlin Island from the Rue this morning (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A Pectoral Sandpiper was in the south west corner of Lough Beg this evening, (David Steele).

Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve up to 1pm had 3 Ruff, the winter plumaged male, juvenile male and juvenile female, and 15 Knot. (Tom Ennis, Andrew Miller).

The Black Tern was still present in Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island to at least 3.45pm. (Tom Ennis, Andrew Miller).

Thanks to Garry Armstrong for the Black Tern and Michael Latham for the Hen Harrier photographs:

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