
Bird News Thursday 13th October

 There is a Great White Egret at Ballycarry bridge showing distantly on the south basin (Kevin Kirkham).

A single Curlew Sandpiper and a Ruff are at the Bann Estuary. The Glaucous Gull was at Burger King in Coleraine. (Jeff Larkin).

A Ruff and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Derek Polley).

A Pink-footed Goose was at Waterfoot and the Black-throated Diver, and an Arctic Tern were at Carnlough. (Neal Warnock).

A flock of Barnacle Geese and an apparent Barnacle x Snow Goose hybrid were on Rathlin. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson)

Thanks to Jonathan Cooke for the pictures of the Great White Egret, to Kevon Kirkham for the pictures of the Glaucous Gull and the Whooper Swans, to Neal Warnock for the picture of the Pink-footed Goose and to Ric Else for the picture of the Barnacles and hybrid Goose:


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