
Bird News Wednesday 19th October

About 800 Redwing and 300 Fieldfare over Rathlin (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

A mammoth 20,000+ Fieldfare west, 26 White-fronted Geese south and one Brambling over Ringsend, Coleraine (Dennis Weir).

Several thousand Fieldfare and Redwings on Tory Island, Co Donegal along with 1w Glaucous Gull, two Jack Snipe, Siberian Chiffchaff, Chiffchaff and two Brambling (Theo Campbell, Chris Ingram, Derek Brennan & Graham Mitchell).

Unconfirmed report of two Firecrests at Hilden near Lisburn but no precise details for this NI mega (Robert Nash per Irish Birding).

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