
Bird News Monday 28th November

 The Osprey was still at the Barmouth this morning. Two White-fronts also flew over with two Greylags.(Richard Donaghey).

The Bonaparte's Gull is still at Ballygally on the Antrim coast. (Ian Dickey).

The 2nd winter Ring Billed Gull is back at Hillsborough Forest along with 2 Common Gulls. From the car park walk along the right hand side of lake and it was perched on second lot of sunken logs along with numerous Black-headed Gulls at approx 10.45am. (Garry Wilkinson).

The Black Redstart was still in paddock at St John’s Point lighthouse at 12 noon with 8 Red-throated Divers and an adult Little Gull offshore. (Chris Murphy).

A Great Skua was inshore at Portmuck on Islandmagee,also present were 12 Red-throated Diver, 7 Gannet, approximately 2,500 auks, mainly Razorbills, 350 Kittiwakes and 20 Harbour Porpoises. (Ian Enlander).

2 Black Redstarts were around the harbour at Strangford, just off Quay Lane. (Lindsay Hodges).

Two Slavonian Grebes were off Macedon Point looking towards Belfast and a Great Northern and Red-throated Diver were off Loughshore Park. (Stuart McKee).

The Turtle Dove is still coming to a garden in Lisburn. 

Thanks to Lindsay Hodges for the pictures of the Black Redstarts:

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