
Bird News Friday 30th December

The Marsh Harrier and the ring-tail Hen Harrier were both still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve this morning. (Kenny Moore).

Late news from yesterday that the Bonaparte’s Gull remained present off Ballygally Castle (Andrew Walker).

At least two Brambling in the Antrim Hills, also two Crossbill (Michael Latham).

Two Purple Sandpipers at Whitehead and a female Goosander at Glynn (Justin Armstrong).

Probable Arctic Redpoll in garden 6 miles South of Ballymena at Dunsilly (Chris Hamilton).

Three juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Geese on the Dundrum United football pitches across the main road from South Inner Bay and beside the Moneycarragh River. Also the Spotted Redshank, which was earlier in a channel and other waders briefly appeared on pitches with the large Brent flock (David Nixon).

Killough yielded a site record 70 species which included two juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Geese, Chiffchaff, three Great Northern Diver, 1000 Redwing, 300 Fieldfare, ten Yellowhammers, six Carrion Crows, 220 Black-tailed Godwit and 21 Whooper Swans (Chris Murphy).

Thanks to Chris Hamilton for the probable Arctic Redpoll with Lesser Redpoll photo, Michael Latham for the Brambling photo, to Richard Caves for the Marsh & Hen Harrier photos and to David Nixon for the Brent and Spotted Redshank photos:

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