
Bird News Saturday 3rd December

The Bonaparte’s Gull was at Ballygally (Neal Warnock).

The Long-tailed Duck is still off the Amici restaurant in Portstewart. (Stephen Riddell).

The female Marsh Harrier was still at Portmore Lough (Michael Latham).

A Peregrine was hunting over Cookstown town centre this morning. (Tony McCormick).

The Osprey, a different 1cy Iceland Gull and a Merlin were at the Bann estuary today. (John Spottiswood)

Two Purple Sandpipers and a high count of 207 Dunlin were at Whitehead (Cameron Moore)

A Long-eared Owl was seen at Blaris Cemetery this morning (Garry Wilkinson)

The Black Redstart was still at St John's Point Lighthouse (Chris Murphy)

This Black-headed gull was ringed in Denmark in 2015 and has been seen in Whitehead every Winter since 2015 and usually leaves by March, Cameron Moore:

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