
Bird News Monday 2nd January

The Bonaparte’s Gull was showing well at Ballygally today (Ivan Quail / Arron Long)

The Black Redstart was showing well alng the promenade wall this morning. There were also 8 Twite at the boat yard. (Robert McDowell)

The probable Coues Arctic Redpoll was seen briefly this morning (Nigel Moore / Richard Gray). With fog, viewing conditions have been poor. The bird then showed well again this afternoon in the field with the horses (Stuart McKee / Peter Phillips)

A Little Gull was at Ballyholme beach. (James Andrew).

8 Purple Sandpipers were on the rocks beside the Belfast end of the pond between Whiteabbey and Hazelbank Park. (Tim Davis)

2 Slavonian Grebe were in Greyabbey Bay, 2 Carrion Crow at Strangford. A 200+ mixed finch flock near Killyleagh included 30 Yellowhammer. A Sandwich Tern was at Killyleagh rope walk. (Derek Polley)

A Hen Harrier was at Reedy Flats (Comghal McQuillan)

A Common Sandpiper was seen at the Cutts Coleraine today (Ian Mercer)

We are sorry to learn of the death of Don Scott and pass our condolences to his family. Don was an expert on Hen Harriers and had spent a lot of time studying them throughout NI.

Hen Harrier, Comghal McQuillan:

Presumed Coues Arctic Redpoll, Stuart McKee:

Coues Arctic Redpoll, Peter Phillips:

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