
Bird News Monday 30th January

No sign of 1w Glaucous Gull at Ardglass 8-9am but two colour-ringed Manx Herring Gulls (David Stirling).

Drake Ferruginous Duck still this morning at Ballysaggart Lough, Dungannon (Dermot Hughes).

Drake Smew showed briefly but close in and elusive, female Merlin, ringtail Hen Harrier and Barnacle Goose at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh (Ed O’Hara / Dermot Hughes / Derek Polley).

A Russian White-fronted Goose just north of Portmore Lough (William Smiton).

The hybrid Ring-billed Gull is still at Millisle (Richard Weyl).

A Barnacle and Pink-footed Goose were with the Greylags at Myroe (Ken Simpson)

Thanks to William Smiton for the Russian White-fronted Goose photos:

Pink-footed Goose, Ken Simpson:

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