
Bird News Saturday 28th January

The Black Redstart and at least 6 Twite were at Whitehead seafront. (Garry Armstrong, Stuart McKee). 4 Purple Sandpipers were also present among Dunlin and Turnstones. (Michael Latham, Linda Thompson)

At least 2 argentatus Herring Gulls were at Killough. (Bob Watts)

The first winter Kumliens Gull was still at Keadue Bridge, Fanad Head, Donegal (Wilton Farrelly)

Two Black-throated Divers and 5 Great Northern Divers were in Carnlough Bay (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

The Drake Lesser Scaup is with 20 Tufted Duck at Todd's Corner, Lough Neagh (Jeff Larkin)

A single Pinkfoot was with the feral geese at Waterfoot. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

Two juvenile dark bellied Brent, a Great Spotted Woodpecker and 34 Whooper Swans were at Killough. (Chris Murphy, Anthony McGeehan).

A single Barnacle was with a flock of 55 Greylags at Annaghroe, Co. Tyrone, a single Pinkfoot was nearby. (David Knight)

Great Spotted Woodpeckers were seen and heard in Delamont Park. (Katherine Martin).

A Great Northern Diver was on the River Eske in Donegal town. (Sean Hennessy)

Thanks to Michael Latham for the picture of the Purple Sandpiper and to Linda Thompson for the pictures of the Black Redstart and the Purple Sandpipers:

Michael Latham
Linda Thompson

Linda Thompson

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