
Bird News Sunday 15th January

The drake Ferruginous Duck is still present on Ballysaggart Lough, Dungannon. (Jeff Larkin). It was still showing well this afternoon (Michael Latham / Brian McCloskey)

The Great Egret was at Mullagh,  Lough Beg. The Green Sandpiper was feeding in a flooded field downstream of Slaght Bridge, Ballymena (Richard Gray)

4 Ring-necked Duck (1 male, 3 female/juv), 14 Scaup and 2 Goosander were on Lough Fern, Co Donegal (Jamie Bliss)

An Iceland Gull was at RSPB WoW late afternoon (Daniel Newton)

The Black Redstart, 3 Purple Sandpiper and 2 Red Throated Diver were at Whitehead Promenade today. A high count of 230 Dunlin were also present (Cameron Moore)

The Black Redstart was still in Newcastle Harbour (Richard Caves)

23 REd-throated Diver were at Greenisland (Gerard McGeehan)

Blog readers may be interested in this report on rare birds in Ireland in 2022:

Ferruginous Duck, Jeff Larkin:

Michael Latham, Ferruginous Duck:

Iceland Gull, Daniel Newton:

Black Redstart, Richard Caves:

Further pics of local birds are at:

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