
Bird News Tuesday 10th January

Late news from yesterday of female Marsh Harrier still at Portmore Lough (Gerry Judge).

Just outside the region the Tundra Bean Goose still at Big Isle, Lough Swilly, Co Donegal (Chris Ingram).

The Arctic Redpoll was again in the bonfire field adjacent to Lenagh Road this morning at Dunsilly.

At least six Ring-necked Parakeets at Waterworks, Belfast (Stuart McKee).

Nine Twite at Whitehead boatyard and the Purple Sandpiper still with the Dunlin flock this afternoon (David Clarke).

The regular Glaucous Gull and wintering Common Sandpiper were both observed in Coleraine today (John Clarke).

Thanks to Stuart McKee for the Ring-necked Parakeet photo:

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