
Bird News Tuesday 17th January

 The Marsh Harrier was showing well in front of the viewing platform at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Kenny Moore). A Chiffchaff was near the hide. (Ed O'Hara, Comghal McQuillan).

The Black Redstart, five Twite and two Purple Sandpipers were still at Whitehead seafront today. (Kevin Kirkham).

The Russian Whitefront, three Pinkfeet and single Barnacle Goose were with Greylags at Tunney Cut near Portmore. (Ed O'Hara, Comghal McQuillan).

There was no sign of the Ferruginous Duck at Ballysaggart Lough this morning but a Ring-billed Gull was present. (Garry Wilkinson).

A Chiffchaff was at Strickland's Glen, Bangor. (Derek Polley)

Thanks to Kevin Kirkham for the picture of the Black Redstart, to Garry Wilkinson for the picture of the Water Rail and to Ed O'Hara for the pictures of the Russian Whitefront, Pinkfeet , Chiffchaff and Great Spotted Woodpecker:

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