
Bird News Friday 17th February

Two Black-necked Grebes, drake Smew, Merlin, two Barnacle and seven Russian White-fronted Geese all at the East end of Reedy Flats (Richard Gray / Ed O’Hara).

Great Northern Diver off pier/moles Castlerock Barmouth, also four Common Scoter (John Spottiswood).

Late news from yesterday of 100+ Common Snipe, one Jack Snipe and ringtail Hen Harrier at Ross Lough, Lisnaskea, Co Fermanagh (Godfrey McRoberts).

Three Bohemian Waxwings in Ward Park, Bangor this afternoon between the library and the play park (Helen Clarke).

Two adult Mediterranean Gulls at Kinnegar Shore this evening (Daniel Newton).

Black-throated Diver from Kirkubbin (David Sterling).

Thanks to Ed O’Hara for the Black-necked Grebe and Russian White-fronted Geese and to John Spratt, Ferruginous Duck(from a few weeks ago) for their photos:

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