
Bird News Saturday 4th February

The male Smew, 7 Russian Whitefronts and the ringtail Hen Harrier were at the east end of Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh. (Garry Armstrong, Daniel Newton).

The Ferruginous Duck was at Ballysaggart Lough again this morning. (John Spratt).

A single Pinkfoot was with Greylags and Whoopers on the Closet Meadows at Oxford Island. (Garry Armstrong, Ed O'Hara)

The Spotted Redshank was again at Ballycarry (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop)

A female Ring-necked Duck and a Great White Egret were at the south end of Lough Beg. (Richard Hunter).

The Black Redstart was still at St John's Point. (David Stirling).

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