
Bird News Wednesday 22nd February

The drake Green-winged Teal is still at Glynn (Nigel Moore)

The drake Smew was still off Gawleys Gate, Lough Neagh (John McClean, Richard Caves, Ed O’Hara).

An adult Mediterranean Gull was on the raft at RSPB WoW this morning (Bob Watts)

The three Waxwing were still in Ward Park, Bangor (Martin Deehan)

Three 2nd year Mediterranean Gulls were at the east end of Ballyholme Beach, Bangor (Ian Enlander)

Two Goosander were seen at Randalstown Weir (Martin Deehan)

A Red Kite was seen attacking a Buzzard in the Antrim Hills (Sandra MacDowell)

Thanks to Sandra MacDowell for the Red Kite attacking Buzzard and to Ed O’Hara for the Smew photos:

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