
Bird News Wednesday 8th February

Yesterday there were 17 Slavonian Grebes between Mountstewart and Horse Island. A high count of 284 Pintail were between the Maltings and the gasworks buildings Mountstewart. (John O'Boyle & David Nixon).

The Spotted Redshank was still at Ballycarry (Ed O’Hara).

At least one possibly two Black Redstarts at St John’s Lighthouse (David Stirling).

Gull at Waterworks which observer considered showed some features of Caspian mid afternoon (Stuart McKee).

Six Purple Sandpipers at Ballyhornan yesterday (Terry Hanna).

The drake Ferruginous Duck remains at Ballysaggart Lough (via Birdtrack).

Thanks to Terry Hana for the Purple Sandpiper photo:

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