
Bird News Monday 27th March

A Hoopoe was in the Cemetery at Comber (Jamie Phillips).

Immature White-tailed Eagle mobbed by a ringtail Hen Harrier Antrim Hills (Jonny Rosborough).

Subadult Golden Eagle mobbed by two Common Buzzard in the Antrim Hills, also 20 Crossbill over (Dean Jones).

Six Sandwich Terns and a Carrion Crow Kinnegar Shore, with an adult Mediterranean Gull bathing and two Whooper Swans landed just offshore early afternoon (Bob Watts).

Great Spotted Woodpecker heard drumming east of the lake in Hillsborough Forest Park (Dougie Gamble).

The adult Ring-billed Gull remains at Carrickfergus (Jonathan Cooke).

Ring-billed Gull, Jonathan Cooke:

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