
Bird News Saturday 4th March

The three Waxwings are still in Ward Park in Bangor, they were still present this afternoon. (Garry Armstrong, Guy Hamilton).

The Black Redstart is still at St John's Point. (David Stirling).

The male Smew is still behind the Gate Inn at Gawleys Gate, Lough Neagh. (Stephen Riddell).

The Green-winged Teal is still at Glynn in Larne Lough. (Garry Armstrong).

A female Ring-necked Duck, two Great White Egrets. forty five Little Egrets, two Ruff, a Jack Snipe and twenty Pintail were at Lough Beg. (Richard Hunter, Godfrey McRoberts).

A ringtail Hen Harrier was at Portmore Lough RSPB. (Michael Latham).

A male Lesser Scaup is in Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara).

The seven Russian Whitefronts, two Barnacles and a female Merlin were at the east end of Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh. (David McCreedy).

A juvenile White-tailed Eagle was seen flying over Whitepark Bay heading towards the Causeway this morning. (Patrick Barton).

Fanad in Donegal had a Black-throated Diver, four Red-throated Diver, fifty three Long-tailed Ducks and sixty four Purple Sandpipers. (Wilton Farrelly).

A Great White Egret was near Clea Lake outside Killyleagh. (Jason Starbuck).

Thanks to Bill Guiller and Guy Hamilton for the pictures of the Waxwings, to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Hen Harrier and Smew, to David McCreedy for the pictures of the Lesser Scaup and Merlin and to Guy Hamilton for the picture of the Treecreeper:

Bill Guiller

Bill Guiller

Guy Hamilton

Guy Hamilton

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