
Bird News Thursday 23rd March

 An Alpine Swift is over Kebble on Rathlin this morning. A Snow Bunting was also present. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson).

The Arctic Redpoll continues to be seen in a garden in Doagh. (Mark Smyth).

Five Mediterranean Gulls and a Pintail were at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve. (Derek Polley).

Chiffchaffs are now arriving in good numbers including a bird at Tubbrid in Co. Fermanagh. (Michael Stinson)

Two or three Alpine Swifts are around Donard Park carpark in Newcastle. (David Stirling).

A juvenile dark bellied Brent, possibly the bird from Killough, was with 80 Brent in Ardglass harbour. (David Nixon).

A Yellowhammer was at Ballinacor outside Lurgan. (Ed O'Hara)

Thanks to Ric Else for the pictures of the Alpine Swift and the Snow Bunting, to David Nixon for the picture of the dark bellied Brent to Ed O'Hara for the picture of the Yellowhammer and to Stephen Maxwell for the pictures of the Pintail and the Little Egret:

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