
Bird News Thursday 30th March

Five Alpine Swifts along the Ballycastle seafront this morning (Billy Miskelly). Still three at 1555 over Tow River near Sheskburn Avenue (Tony Dodds).

The Hoopoe is still at Loughview Cemetery, Comber at 1pm. It was in an aerial duel with a pair of Great Black-backed Gulls which nearly caught it but luckily it escaped and landed near the farm barn close to the cemetery entrance (Paul McCullough). Still present 6pm in northern section of cemetery (Wilton Farrelly).

Three Mediterranean Gulls at Belfast Lough WoW Reserve, including the Dutch ringed bird (Derek Polley). Willow Warbler at the back of Kinnegar Pools this evening (Daniel Newton).

Red Kite high over Sloan Street, Lisburn this evening (Garry Armstrong).

The adult Ring-billed Gull remains at Carrickfergus. Also the Green-winged Teal is now at Ballycarry Bridge, Larne Lough (Cameron Moore).

One Great White Egret at Boa Island, Co Fermanagh this afternoon, also two Willow Warblers this evening (Michael Stinson).

Ring-billed Gull, Cameron Moore:

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