
Bird News Saturday 22nd April

7 Common Sandpipers between Dominican and Ramore Heads (Richard Donaghey).

2 Common Sandpipers at Portstewart Head (Stephen Riddell).

An exceptional spring count of 23 Common Sandpipers at Lough Beg. Also Spotted Redshank, 10 Ruff (9m & f), 75 White Wagtail, Turnstone, 10 Whimbrel (David Steele).

Sedge Warbler singing at the Bann Estuary also a Common Sandpiper (Dean Jones).

3 Whimbrel on Rossglass beach, Co Down (Daniel Newton).

12+ Swift and a Common Tern present this morning at Oxford Island NNR (Ian Enlander).

3 Swifts over Coleraine (John Clarke).

Just outside the region a Black-winged Stilt at Cooley Point, Co Louth (Eamon).

An Osprey yesterday at Craigantlet.

Two Twite were at Kinbane Head, Co Antrim (Nathan Gilbert)

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