
Bird News Saturday 8th April

A Common Sandpiper is at Oxford Island NNR (Garry Armstrong).

Marsh Harrier again at Reedy Flats (Daniel Newton).

An adult Little Gull is at Sandeel Bay, Orlock (Richard Weyl).

A Jack Snipe this morning near the Drumbane Road, Swatragh (Clive Mellon).

20+ White Wagtails were in a stubble field in the middle of Reedy Flats. (Ed O'Hara).

4 Grey Plover were at Ballyquintin on the outer Ards. One White Wagtail Kearney (Bob Watts).

Report of 2 Alpine Swifts over Glenarm Forest car park, Ballymena (Birdtrack).

A minimum of 5 House Martins amongst hirundines along the River Bann south of Coleraine this afternoon (Richard Donaghey).

2 Mediterranean Gulls at Lough Mourne (Joe Lamont).

6 Mediterranean Gulls at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve and a Carrion Crow at Kinnegar (AAron Long).

The Green Sandpiper is still along the River Maine at Slaght near Ballymena. Just the one White Wagtail at the Mullagh, Lough Beg (David Steele).

A Wheatear at Scawt Hill this afternoon (Melanie Ware).

Marsh Harrier, Michael Latham:

Mark Magee, Common Sandpiper:

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