
Bird News Tuesday 11th April

 The Common Sandpiper was still at Kinnegar pool this morning. (Daniel Newton).

The Pink-footed Goose is still at Carnlough and has been joined by a single Barnacle Goose. (Ivan Quail & Nicky Lynn).

Lough Beg this morning had a Knot, Spotted Redshank, three Ruff, ten Wheatears and six White Wagtails. The Green Sandpiper is still at Slaght near Ballymena. (David Steele).

A Ruddy Shelduck of unknown origin is at the Ecos Park in Ballymena. (Jeff Larkin).

The Spotted Redshank was still at Ballycarry Bridge in Larne Lough. A Redshank with a white ring, HEA, on the left leg and a yellow flag on the right leg was also present. (Cameron Moore)

Thanks to Michael Latham for the picture of the Common Sandpiper and to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Spotted Redshank and the colour ringed Redshank:

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