
Bird News Tuesday 18th April

The Black-crowned Night Heron is back on the island at Loughbrickland (Mike McLaughlin). The bird was still showing at 9 pm (Clifford Sharpe / John Spottiswood)

A Cuckoo was calling in Drumkeeragh Forest earlier this morning. (Terry Hanna). Another Cuckoo was calling this afternoon at Glenbane Road, Drumquin. (Clive Mellon). Another Cuckoo was at Finvoy, Co Antrim (Derek McClean)

Two Whimbrel were at Whitehead seafront (Ian Enlander)

At least 8 Wheatear were at D3 again this morning, with 4 also seen at Kinnegar Pools (Aaron Long). 12 were counted at D3 this afternoon (Michael McCandless)

2 Whimbrel and at least 6 Wheatear were at the plover roost at Portstewart. 3 Wheatear were at Ramore Head (John Clarke)

The juvenile Dark-bellied Brent was in Dundrum South Inner Bay today (David Nixon)

14 Whimbrel and 2 Common Sandpiper were on Lough Erne (Michael Stinson)

5 Whimbrel and 6 Wheatear were at Ballymacormick Point. (James Andrew).

There was no sign of the Black-crowned Night Heron yesterday despite extensive searching.

Wheatear, Aaron Long:

Whimbrel, Ian Enlander:

Grasshopper Warbler, Portballintrae, Donna Riddell:

Further pictures of local birds can be seen at:

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