
Bird News Wednesday 5th April

Belated report of Hoopoe in Co Derry at undisclosed site on private farmland on Monday 3rd April 1325-1505 & briefly at 1400 on Tuesday 4th April (Peadar Rogers / Irish Birding).

Male Merlin this morning on Rathlin (Ric Else / Hazel Watson).

10 Mediterranean Gulls and four Sand Martins at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW (Gerard McGeehan).

One Jack Snipe at Horse Island and five Slavonian Grebe from Kircubbin, Strangford Lough (Dermot Hughes).

A record spring total of 2500 Black-tailed Godwit at Lough Beg, also six Ruff, White Wagtail, 1000+ Sand Martin and c20 Swallow (David Steele).

Two Mediterranean Gulls and a solitary Sanderling at Ballycarry Bridge (John Spratt). Also the Spotted Redshank still present (Cameron Moore).

Just outside the region the Great White Egret showed well from the platform with the drake Garganey still present at Inch Lake, Co Donegal (Derek Brennan).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the Spotted Redshank images:

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