
Bird News Sunday 7th May

Male Montagu’s Harrier at Portmore Lough RSPB throughout the day. First seen at 10am but not seen 11-12 (Alan Dickson / Garry Armstrong). Then again when photographed at 1pm (Mark Magee). Still present 1615 and again from 1810-30 over pools before drifting off right (Garry Armstrong, Brian McCloskey et al). Not seen again up to 2135.

A Pectoral Sandpiper and 3 Curlew Sandpipers in front of the Bann Estuary hide at the Barmouth 1441 though disturbance from fishermen resulting in flushing of birds; the Pectoral Sandpiper was not seen again (John Clarke).

10 Crossbill and a Cuckoo were at Woodburn Forest, Carrickfergus (George Stewart).

Spotted Flycatcher and female Marsh Harrier from Bellaghy boardwalk, Lough Beg (Donna & Stephen Riddell).

Tree Pipit yesterday on Rathlin with a new Whinchat today (Ric Else / Hazel Watson). Also a Black Redstart (Cecil Taise).

An Arctic Tern still at Belfast Lough RSPB WoW Reserve (Chris Hamilton).

A Cuckoo is at Binevenagh AONB (Ian Proctor).

Spotted Flycatcher near Kells (Steve & Kate Ingleby).

Montagu’s Harrier, Mark Magee:

Curlew Sandpiper, John Clarke:

Corncrake, Tom McDonnell:

Spotted Flycatcher, Donna Riddell:

Montagu’s Harrier, Michael Latham:

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