
Bird News Tuesday 9th May

The adult male Montagu's Harrier was still present at Portmore Lough this morning. It was way right of viewing platform in marshy fields 10.50am (Mark Stewart)

Two Common Sandpiper and a Whimbrel were at Portmuck, Islandmagee this morning (Kevin Kirkham)

A Nightjar was ringed on Copeland this morning (Ollie Padget)

A Garden Warbler was on Rathlin (Richard Hunter)

1 Little Gull and 2 Arctic Tern were at RSPB Wow. 1 Little Gull was also at Kinnegar lagoon. (Nathan Gilbert)

An Osprey was at Lough Beg this evening, also a male Garganey. (David Steele)

Nightjar, Ollie Padget:

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