
Bird News Sunday 11th June

Just outside the region the Least Tern was seen briefly this morning at the Little Tern colony just North of Portrane (Brian Carruthers). Then intermittently in the afternoon  at the Balray, Co Louth Little Tern colony and still present 1830 (Gerard Murray).

Late news from yesterday of a reeling Grasshopper Warbler at the Ecos Centre, also a Mandarin of highly suspect origin (Chris Hamilton).

3 Minke Whale off the West Light on Rathlin (per RSPB & James Crymble).

Red Kite With black wing tag c3pm N of Killyglass Road, Eden (Kevin Kirkham).

Carrion Crow with probable hybrid young Kinnegar (Aaron Long).

Wheatear with young, Michael Latham:

Pochard, David Hunter:

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