
Bird News Sunday 23rd July

The Black-winged Pratincole is still at Blanket Nook in Donegal this morning. (Ronald Surgenor). The Pratincole is still present this afternoon although high water levels make viewing difficult. (Philip West, Wilton Farrelly).

9 summer plumaged Knot were at Myroe. (Aaron Long).

The Black-headed type Yellow Wagtail is at Myroe this morning, in the field by the middle road. (Derek Brennan).

The Wood Sandpiper and 2 Greenshank were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Stuart Cossey)

4 juvenile Sanderling were at Ballymacormack Point. (James Andrew).

Thanks to Michael Latham and Stephen Dunbar for the pictures of the Wagtail:

Michael Latham

Michael Latham

Stephen Dunbar

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