
Bird News Wednesday 12th July

Three Common Sandpipers and a Stock Dove were at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh this morning. Yesterday a 1st year Mediterranean Gull was at Kinnegar. (Bob Watts, Dominic Mitchell).

Belfast Lough RSPB WoW reserve had 20 Arctic Terns, 8 Common Sandpipers, an adult Mediterranean Gull, 7 Dunlin and 4 Ringed Plover. A Common Sandpiper was at Kinnegar pool.(Bob Watts, Dominic Mitchell).

A Stock Dove was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Michael Latham).

A family group of four Red Kites and a large falcon, possibly a Peregrine/Saker or Peregrine/Lanner hybrid, were in the Antrim hills. (Richard Gray).
Thanks to Michael Latham for the pictures of the Stock Dove, to Jonathan Cooke for the picture of the Common Sandpiper and to Derek McClean for the picture of the possible hybrid falcon:

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